John 1:1-4: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him, all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.”
1. January has 4 Mondays and the tuition applies from January 4 to 29, 2016. Cheque is payable to “GCS-DN” and it is due first week of the month. Please put your child’s full name on the cheque.
Fee Schedule for Year 2016:
15 – 30 months : $280/week
2.5 – 4.5 years old: $229/week
Kindergarten (JK&SK): $205/week
2. GCS website is available now. Parents can check out newsletter, room programs, parent community Group activities and more from the website.
3. Parents please make sure your children have winter jackets, snow pants, winter hats, waterproof mittens, scarves, and snow boots for outdoor play every day. Please be aware that your children still need to go out even they do not have snow pants or snow boots due to the policy of City of Toronto and Health and Children Education Ministries.
4. In order to keep the day care environment clean for children, parents are asked to put on outdoor shoes for your children ONLY at the Entrance. Please do not wear outdoor shoes and walk in the hallway. Thank you for your cooperation!
GCS Prayer Bulletin:
– Thank God for your protection and provision for GCS teachers, children and families in the year of 2015.
-May Jesus’ Salvation be spread to all GCS families that they can received eternal life and be united with God our Heavenly Father.